Sunday, June 14, 2009

Rainy Sunday

So the weather didn't cooperate. It is a rainy overcast day in Boston. Although Maria went for a run anyway, I stuck with the trainer. Did 70 mins and 30 trainer miles. I don't mind too much not getting out but I know I need more outdoor miles to prepare for TFCE. Let's see what the week brings.

On the grill front, yesterday was a success and I have Home Depot to thank. Usually I end up lost, frustrated and confused at HD -the result of store size, unhelpful staff and a complete lack of DIY skills on my part. Yesterday was different. The staff were plentiful, friendly and helpful and seemed genuinely interested in helping customers. In fact, when it turned out the grill I wanted wouldn't fit in my car, the manager assisting me volunteered to take it home at no charge in his van. So a big thank you to Mark at HD in Waltham. It looks like HD is really getting their act together. Oh yeah, the steaks last night never tasted better.

1 comment:

  1. So, did you get one of those man-grills with a dozen burners, 150,000 BTU burners, 3 ovens, and a Barcolounger fold out? I bought a grill last year and had trouble finding one that took up less room than my deck table and chairs combined. Crazy. I bought the smallest one I could find and still I'd have to buy genetically enhanced bovine beast quarters to make it worth igniting. I'm convinced that this new super sized grill trend has caused global warming. Cheers, Gwen
